My C.U.B.I.S.T. Stealth Camping System, and Much More | BRV037

This video went off the rails. That’s really the only way to explain it.

The idea for this video was to find a new parking spot using my C.U.B.I.S.T. system of stealth camping to show how good my system works. Shortly after parking, my van was surrounding by screaming college-age girls who were either fighting, partying, or both. For the record, I still believe in my system. My list of “great places to park” is always evolving, and I’ve removed “under people’s balconies” from my list.

My C.U.B.I.S.T. checklist (“system” makes it sound more formal than it is) is a series of questions I ask myself before choosing a parking spot.

C – Curious: I don’t want to park anywhere that will make people curious as to who I am or what I’m up to.

U – Unsafe: I don’t want to park anywhere that seems unsafe to me, or could be perceived as unsafe by others.

B – Breaking the Law: Parking somewhere illegal is a sure way to get “the knock”.

I – Inconvenience: Inconveniencing people almost always leads to confrontation… the opposite of my goal.

S – Suspicious: Doing something that seems suspicious, even if you’re not up to anything, attracts attention.

T – Threatened: Making someone feel threatened can lead to bad things.

This system I came up with is intended to avoid attention and confrontation from three main groups: regular citizens, business owners, and police officers. Running through this list I made up is quick and can help you prevent problems. When I find a spot I think, am I blocking someone’s business? Am I taking someone’s parking spot? Am I parked on the shoulder of a busy road? (That might be legal, but a concerned citizen worried for my safety might call the police.)

No system is perfect, and as you’ll see in the video despite running through my checklist, I encountered a situation I hadn’t anticipated. When the police arrived I wasn’t sure if someone had called the police on me, someone had called them due to all the public shouting, or if it was all a coincidence. Whatever the reason, it seemed like a good time to bail for a bit and let things simmer down. I hope you enjoy the video, and someone might even my little stealth camping system helpful.

Below are Amazon Links to things that appear in the video. I am super pleased with all of these things.

Jazata 10.26″ Wireless Apple/Android Car Navigation/Media Player:
AllPowers R2500 2,000Wh+ Power Station:
AllPowers SF200 Flexible 200w Solar Panel:
Avanti 36L/34G Cooler/Refrigerator/Freezer:
USB Rechargeable/Magnetic LED/RGB Puck Lights (6):
Maxx Air MaxxFan Deluxe:

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