An Easy Win: Removing the Rear Door Security Screens

My van was previously used as a cargo delivery van and came with three things I immediately wanted to uninstall: rear metal shelves, a metal divider behind the front seats, and metal security screens on the rear windows. Removing the security screens seemed like the simplest of the three projects to tackle so I did, and they were.

These security screens are designed to keep would-be burglars from smashing a rear window, grabbing any merchandise or tools in sight, and making a quick getaway. Sure, with the window broken a determined burglar could potentially use a coat hanger or some other device to unlock the door or pull the handle, but I think these guards are designed to be more of a deterrent than the end-all of security devices.

A quick inspection revealed that each screen had been installed with eight self-tapping screws driven straight into the metal door. I was able to remove the screws using my drill in no time at all, leaving sixteen (more) holes in the van. I know a “how to fill holes in metal” blog post lies in my future.

I had considered simply tossing the screens into the trash pile, but a quick check on Amazon revealed similar screens selling for $100-$200 new. Instead of tossing them away I listed them online for $50 and sold them within the hour. Look at that — the van’s already paying for itself! If I only had 129 more pair of screens, I could break even!

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